
Marketing automation and data modelling to empower intelligent CRM

Majorel Infinity如何助力一家领先的零售商

Retailer S is one of the world’s leading cosmetics retailers. As the strategic service provider of its Member Strategy Center, Majorel Infinity has identified five main objectives to enhance the company’s Customer Relationship Marketing in 2023.

  1. Customer recruitment
  2. Better retention
  3. Uplift long-term CLTV
  4. Seamless customer service
  5. Smart touchpoint with robocall

To ensure these objectives are achieved, Majorel Infinity delivers a full range of professional services, including consumer strategy design, project management, data modeling, CRM operations and measurement.

Project 1: Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

Objective: The Company needs better segmentation and more personalized offer to drive efficient marketing communication and promote new customer conversion and membership tier upgrades.

Solutions: Majorel Infinity delivers three customer data tagging initiatives, providing a holistic and precise view of the company’s customer data to enhance its consumer engagement strategy and uplift CLTV.

Achievements: The solution allows the company to exceed its target KPIs, achieving millions in incremental sales.

Project 2:Marketing Automation Cloud

Objective: The company needs more efficient and streamlined methods for engaging and communicating with customers.

Solutions: Majorel Infinity recommends phasing the marketing automation implementation into three stages: fully manual; rules-based automation; and AI modeling-based automation. It drives the company steadily toward the latter two stages to empower operations through tagging and modeling capabilities, automated by Majorel Infinity MarTech tools.

Achievements: The solution deploys 20+ lifecycle trigger scenarios and supports 100+ marketing campaigns. It integrates with 11 communication channels and reaches 67+ million customers of Retailer S.

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